Reaching the under-35s by using digital technologies is crucial to the success of the insurance campaign from the Obama administration.
Liz McFall. Liz McFall is Senior Lecturer in Sociology and research lead for Digital Participation at the Open University in the UK. She is currently researching how the convergences surrounding digital disruption and the current global wave of health care reforms are forging new roles for states, insurance markets and marketing. She co-edited Markets and the Arts of Attachment with Franck Cochoy and Joe Deville and is author of Devising Consumption: cultural economies of insurance, credit and spending (Routledge, 2014) and Advertising: a cultural economy (2004). She is Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Cultural Economy.
First published on Fri, 27 Feb 2015 as How Obamacare is reaching young invincibles through digital technologies. To find out more visit The Open University's Openlearn website. Creative-Commons 2015
First published on Fri, 27 Feb 2015 as How Obamacare is reaching young invincibles through digital technologies. To find out more visit The Open University's Openlearn website. Creative-Commons 2015